I felt that our presentation was good as shows all of our different sections and the work we have worked on, something that I would change would to make an actual video as looking at the other videos they all looked interesting to watched and looked like a as good to make, while ours was more on facts which is what the previous presentation have been about and we got the opportunity to be free on this one we should have took up on that offer.
I'm just after looking at the the result that we got and i'm happy with the results in previous presentations when getting a results we would go down the back of the class and talk to Shaun and to hear feedback however during this mission it was graded by rubric system which was interesting however we did not get any feed back which would of been nice to hear back to see what I can improve on for the next time, such as feedback from the last mission i knew that I had to push myself for this mission to get back up to that excellent standard as did in first mission.
To improve our presentation I would have changed my voice record as it was very stop and start which made it not flow properly,we also recorded our voice records separate which also made the flow of the voice over seem incorrect. That day that we were all together we should have done it all together on the same phone however people had re do the information and what was being included, so perhaps we could of met up one more time to do the voice over. Apart from that i felt that our presentation was good and the concept that we done on Christmas as everyone is from different places was interesting to hear. Something else that we could of improved on would be communication as, while I was on my break on work on Sunday I received a text saying that our presentation was not up to standards and that most of it had to be fixed, Rosie was the person to mix the presentation and by the time I came home from work she had rearranged and fixed so that it slowed as before she said that it looked like 3 different power points which is what I did not want as would look like we did not meet up at all. However it was fixed in time for the deadline thankfully.

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