While looking though the different topics there was only two that stood out for me the most, hate and harassment along side personal data tracking which also seemed interesting as I thought that it would be interesting to do research on who has access to peoples accounts, bank details and laptops, however I decided to go for online hate and harassment as it is such a big topic now a days with social media, how socail media is very popular and has grown over the last few years how it has pros and cons such as being able to talk to relatives that live away and seeing how they are doing, so for connection purposes however it can have a negative impact which is one that people to see or notice ,how one small comment by a random person can change a persons life . I recently looked at the Jesy Nelson documentary and I thought that it was very interesting as looking at famous or people who are well know their lives seems to be the dream travelling to different places, working and getting paid for what they love to do and some even get free items to promote however they all do not have the perfect life and how trolls can change that, looking at comments on social medias such as Twitter and Instagram there is thousands of comments which are mostly positive however there is always a comment which is not positive and a " troll" picks out something wrong in the tweet or photo and being an another person looking thinking that comment wont bother that person as they are famous and living the luxury life I wanted to see how social medias try to prevent this to make it a more safer place. Also from looking at the documentary she explains how she has posted pictures on her Instagram which looks like she is happy however she is very depressed in them, this is a big problem with social media today that a person may look happy in a picture however no one knows how they feel, and that one comment from a troll would upset them, this is another reason why I picked this topic as I wanted to see facts on trolling. The word "troll" has also changed a lot over the past few years as a troller use to be a funny meaning and had a positive meaning while now it has a negative meaning, I wanted to see how the word has developed over the years.
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